Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Suing Apartment Complex For Mold

We missed

We missed the sea, the waves, the instant
We missed the contemplation of the tears and the laughter of children

We missed the sun falling on the horizon and the face of a slippery moon at night.

We lost again to step on the wet ground.

We missed falling into the depths of madness
We missed the freedom of going naked in the forest.
We missed the snow warm August 1 and the desert aimlessly.
We missed the color of other races and speech other men

AND die buried by the daily dust residues
eyes blinded us.

Poem Andrea Bernal - (Salamanca, Spain)
can enjoy more of his creations on his blog " If on a winter evening a traveler "

Portrait: Pablo Picasso - Portrait de Françoise 1946

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Barasoain Church History

"The Girl in the balcony" - Juan Gelman

The afternoon was coming down the street near the port

with slow, swaying, full of scent,
The old houses in the pale afternoon like this,
his ragged never more melancholy
Ni saddest walk walls,
stairs in the deep sea as a phosphorescent glow,
perhaps dead eyes that watch the evening as if remembering,
was six, a sweetness to stop unknown
sweetness and lip of the afternoon, carnal, carnal
the faces become soft on afternoons like this,
burn with a kind of childhood
against darkness, the steam from the dance halls.

That sweetness was like everyone to remember a woman
hugged her thighs, her head on his belly,
The Silence of the unknown
was a swell in the middle of
street faces with tender knees and bumping
Against the "New Inn", the doors, leaving color thresholds.

Until the girl appeared at the balcony of
Standing on the intimate late as its fourth with
unmade bed where all believed to have loved once
before oblivion came

Juan Gelman, Argentine poet, born in Buenos Aires in 1930. Enjoy it on your website Log

My portrait of Gelman :
Jorge Bonaldi handed me the first book I read Gelman, and soon to find those words stuck in heavy, Almada, perennials possessing spirits delivered to them. Your perfume, John, is so intense that always surrounds me, I passed in every stroke of mine, me. I dedicate this song to our friend Bonaldi: "To the city of Montevideo."