Monday, November 19, 2007

Diaghram Of Pathophysiology Of Uterine Bleeding

Linux File System

browsing I came across this information that I found pretty to put in my blog. At least as an information note.

/: Root.
/ usr: Here are the files on a Linux system.
/ bin: Here system commands.
/ sbin: Here are the commands that you can only use the root.
/ dev: Here are all the devices on your machine.
/ home: "My Documents" ... Do you say something?
/ lib: Libraries system.
/ var: Contains variable information such as system logs.
/ tmp: Temporary Directory .
/ etc: Here are the application settings.
/ root: This is the / home of the administrator.
/ boot: Here is everything related to booting.
/ media: mount point for file systems mounted locally. (CD, USB, etc ...)
/ mnt: is the predecessor of / media, it retained only for historical reasons.
/ proc: virtual file system process information and kernel.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How's The Weather In Greece?

Another "friend" computer

Sometimes I feel that I am only that, the computer group. - Nooorrrrrr! I work internelll ... Dani which we call a Lamm and not charge us anything.


So it would be frowned upon to ask for something in return? I learned a lot of things fixing PC's of others ... Configuring Network ... in those cases I was more valuable as buy any type of remuneration, but now the thing is too fucking, I have a damn hard and counter each Once I have more expenses and less free time. The information we absorb and we become too dark. So difficult for us to leave our lair ...

You know, from now, do not install Windows. If you have eggs you use that OS ateneis the consequences. Who want a Linux distro, simply ask me, you know where I am. Welcome to Dani-el-intransigent.