Linux File System
browsing I came across this information that I found pretty to put in my blog. At least as an information note.
/: Root.
/ usr: Here are the files on a Linux system.
/ bin: Here system commands.
/ sbin: Here are the commands that you can only use the root.
/ dev: Here are all the devices on your machine.
/ home: "My Documents" ... Do you say something?
/ lib: Libraries system.
/ var: Contains variable information such as system logs.
/ tmp: Temporary Directory .
/ etc: Here are the application settings.
/ root: This is the / home of the administrator.
/ boot: Here is everything related to booting.
/ media: mount point for file systems mounted locally. (CD, USB, etc ...)
/ mnt: is the predecessor of / media, it retained only for historical reasons.
/ proc: virtual file system process information and kernel.
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