Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eggless Cake In Melbourne

to block the activation Guide CS4 on Mac OS X

First of all, we have enabled the root user in our terminal. How done? Open a terminal (Applications / Utilities / Terminal) and enter the following command:

dsenableroot-u "user administrator"

replacing "user administrator" for your user, you may be assuming that system administrators ... but you do not install a pirate CS4 ...
When you enter this command, I asked the key "user administrator" and thereupon the root user password and a confirmation of the same key. Thus:

mosqueéis not you as in the terminals on Unix-based systems there is no replacing a hidden character with an asterisk (*), which I give the impression of not writing anything even if you do.

Well, once this is done we can only add a line in your hosts located in / etc / hosts . To do this, we would need to open the file and add the following line:

But the hosts file is a system file and can only be edited by the user root . In linux we launch an application from the terminal with the user you want (including the root ) but in our beloved Mac OS X do not think this implemented by default ... for another entry blog. This meant that we could modify graphically with any text editor file system, but as I said this is not the case and therefore use another method to explain.

To access the root user from terminal write:

su -

We ask which is the key. HINT: We have put in the previous step. Again that mysterious way to introduce the key. Once identified

the Terminal prompt will change from " $ " a " # " ie, the last character in the beginning of the line in the terminal. To add

this line to your hosts from the terminal as they write the following command:

echo "">> / etc / hosts

For the more curious that the symbol > > or apend "adds text to the end of a file, before the famous [EOF] (End Of File) and the echo command prints a line (in quotes) on the screen.

Once this process we can make a " cat / etc / hosts " to see if they have added this line at the end of the file. If everything is ok, your computer and will not contact Adobe for activation of your CS4.


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