Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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My favorite: eyes and lips

After tell you about my favorite PREBASIC face today is the turn of my favorite primers for eyes and lips.

PREBASIC to start with the shadows. As many of you already know, if we can withstand our shadows intact for hours without forming folds, it is necessary to use a primer. In fact, for me, this is a must that never fails in my vanity as I have quite oily eyelid, including shades of good quality brands such as MAC, for example, I usually mark fold within a few hours aplicármelas.

eyeshadow I've tried different primers of various brands, and today, my two favorites are Shadow Insurance of and Too Faced Eyeshadow Primer Potion Urban Decay of .

The two products are very similar in texture and color, deliver what they promise and are the only ones who keep my makeup flawless throughout the day, and when I say "all day" I mean from 7 am until 10 at night. I work equally well with powder shadow or cream, expensive or cheap. You can find both products at Sephora. I remember that the first Too Faced costs about 14 euros and Urban Decay is around 16 €. I have read comments about the price of these products, as many people see it too high, but I assure you worthwhile, because they spread outrageous! And although I love the two primers, if I have to choose one, I'd Too Faced Shadow Insurance, first because I hold some shadows longer hours than Eyeshadow Primer Potion Urban Decay, and second, packaging, Too Faced is much more practical and makes better use of the product.

I think I have ever said something that I have blond eyelashes, not very long and somewhat scarce. So many times I use a primer before of mascara. In this sense, my favorite is the Deliplus that many of you probably know.

This is one of my favorite products Deliplus! I love the volume that contributes to the look used under any mascara, even the most plain little. And it has an affordable price, I remember they were about 4 euros. What more could you want?

And finally, let's primer for the lips. The truth is I have not tried many, but among the few who have passed through my hands, I'll PREP + PRIME of MAC. As you can see in the picture format is like a lipstick. Although it looks white, after application is completely transparent. And if you ask what is not these products to "erase" the color of the lips. The texture is very nice, nothing tacky. In terms of results I can tell you that when I use this first lipstick I hold most of the day, and also something I love, is not dry at all like other similar products long lasting. The only "but" that would put the price. If memory serves me are about 16 euros.

I hope this post I have found interesting and useful. By the way, what are your favorite PREBASIC eyes and lips?

Thanks for reading and commenting and the next!


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