Saturday, December 29, 2007

Should Rental Agreements Be Notarized

EyeOs IRB Online

These kids have given me the inspiration I needed to update the blog. And following their project came from the first public beta they released a couple of years ago or even 3 ... I comment;

EyeOS is a virtual desktop platform, free of charge, based on the style of the desktop operating system. The basic set of applications that come standard, including the entire structure of an operating system and some office suite applications such as word processing, calendar, file manager, a messenger, a browser, a calculator and more. The entire package is freely licensed under the GPL. There is a parallel site that provides external applications for eyeOS eyeApps calls. It

This is a new concept in virtual storage, which is regarded as revolutionary to be a key service for Web 2.0 and that within a website that combines the power of the current HTML, PHP, AJAX and JavaScript to create a graphical environment type desktop.

The difference between other desktop environments to make it possible to start the eyeOS desktop and all its applications from a web browser. No need to install any additional software, since it only requires a browser that supports PHP, AJAX and some Java and Macromedia Flash (depending on the applications you want to run).


That's nothing. We can say that I had version 1.0 installed on my server, and now I've upgraded to 1.5, I can realize how good they are. I hope to further develop applications and getting new updates of this wonderful tool. You can try eyeOS from his own demo page. You only have to register and point:

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Nov Cddvd на игру Mount Blade

But I see in my eyes ... Ruby found a shell ...

Okay, okay, this a bit limitadito, it's just like making first contact with Ruby, but milk, you have to take a look, this beautiful ^ ^, and also comes with a tutorial and To! (Actually is a damn tutorial ...) joer, seriously, I'm freaking out, it rocks! Well, do not give but the cake with Ruby. Lie, this is just the beginning ... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

How Did Keri Leigh Tucker Die

The wonderful world of Ruby

Ruby is a programming language I know, of course topics geeks, for a few years old, but I never had dared to get serious. I had commented that they could be many things and it was pretty easy to learn, but thought it needed a more solid base and he was right. So, here I hayo with my fairly strong base and willingness to learn a language fun. For

all that I see, has many things similar to Perl, but I can say it looks even more ... "Simple? (Simpler than Perl god ...) and object-oriented compleeeetaente (obviously) my god, I'm that C user and get into these berengenales .... It has something very chuli, I did not know that gives me miedito Lisp, and is the garbage collector, you can make very complete applications with a very good memory management. I was delighted to discover all the new improvements that had implemented the IRB for Linux, (interactive ruby \u200b\u200bshell) and that not only allows you to test snippets of code to an astounding speed, but has full super properties to develop methods and classes . For now you feel like a lot to learn Ruby. No? I do.

some other things I write or make any piece of code with time. I wanted to be excited about learning something new! Navigating

Monday, November 19, 2007

Diaghram Of Pathophysiology Of Uterine Bleeding

Linux File System

browsing I came across this information that I found pretty to put in my blog. At least as an information note.

/: Root.
/ usr: Here are the files on a Linux system.
/ bin: Here system commands.
/ sbin: Here are the commands that you can only use the root.
/ dev: Here are all the devices on your machine.
/ home: "My Documents" ... Do you say something?
/ lib: Libraries system.
/ var: Contains variable information such as system logs.
/ tmp: Temporary Directory .
/ etc: Here are the application settings.
/ root: This is the / home of the administrator.
/ boot: Here is everything related to booting.
/ media: mount point for file systems mounted locally. (CD, USB, etc ...)
/ mnt: is the predecessor of / media, it retained only for historical reasons.
/ proc: virtual file system process information and kernel.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How's The Weather In Greece?

Another "friend" computer

Sometimes I feel that I am only that, the computer group. - Nooorrrrrr! I work internelll ... Dani which we call a Lamm and not charge us anything.


So it would be frowned upon to ask for something in return? I learned a lot of things fixing PC's of others ... Configuring Network ... in those cases I was more valuable as buy any type of remuneration, but now the thing is too fucking, I have a damn hard and counter each Once I have more expenses and less free time. The information we absorb and we become too dark. So difficult for us to leave our lair ...

You know, from now, do not install Windows. If you have eggs you use that OS ateneis the consequences. Who want a Linux distro, simply ask me, you know where I am. Welcome to Dani-el-intransigent.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Factory Direct Kitchens Aberdeen

"Ain Soph Aur"

These things are what I do when I'm bored and I have nothing better to do. We call it ... Fill article, however, is a text that I like and an interesting topic. There he goes.

Cosmic Life, which is the same life that animates both the most prodigious of the suns at the slightest blade of grass, is the gradation of the Universal Energy, to go from the omniscience without evolution towards self-awareness sensors favored by evolution, in the eternal journey of the Spirit (the Divine) to through the form.

This pilgrimage of the Spirit, called in Kabalah Elohim, takes place through four worlds or planes of manifestation known as Atziluth , Divine world, Briah , Archetypal World, Yetzirah, the world of training or Angelic and Assiah , material world or form.

The eternal fate of the Elohim through these four worlds, begins to be emanating from the Supreme First Cause or Universal Consciousness in its own plane of divination called Ensoph , word meaning, not principle, which represents the divinity itself containing same triple essence of the event:

- Ain, called the "no thing", being outside the scope of our understanding, as the very essence of life, as the positive pole of the Universal Energy or Life.

- Ain Soph called "something" as representing the female receptive pole of the power of Ain, ie Life, is the formal resistance the Universe, known to science as cosmic dust.

- Ain Soph Aur , meaning, "that something in perpetual motion, which is a manifestation of the first two principles, namely the eternal life and its resistance, resulting in the universe and evolution.

This is the triune Ensoph activity, the unknowable to our understanding, but the reason for all that is, was and will be.

point Ensoph emergence of anywhere in the universe, is the formation of a nebula. There, the Cosmic Dust as a recipient of the energies of life are collected and pressed for power igneous Ain, resulting in a unique and powerful vortex of energy that generate the most formidable and incalculable forces of contraction and expansion. This is the first objectification of cosmic energy to materialize, giving rise to a universe (uni-versus-one in many, many in one) ; is what religions call God without knowing it, what Masons call The Great Architect of the Universe , but that is just the reflection of the eternal and infinite space-time, as words that say something to our consciousness of the Absolute Ensoph.

The evolution and expression in these four worlds is done in ten steps called sequential Ten Holy Sephiroth, as successive emanations of cosmic life in acortezamiento gradually to come in the form.

Sephiroth is the plural of Sephirah which means snake , Universal Life is moving wave, which is how everything in nature moves: the outbreak of the leaves and branches in plants, water crystallization, the displacement of the beam, etc..

The names of the Ten Holy Sephiroth Ensoph emanating from, in order are: Kether, Kjokmah, Binah, Kjesed, Gueburah, Thiphareth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth , Which are the names of the different levels of evolution of life issued by the Almighty, to its manifestation in ultérrima Malkuth, the level of form.

"Tree of Life with its 10 Sephirah"

deep study of this divine science, will lead us to understand the mysteries of Life and Being