Saturday, December 22, 2007

How Did Keri Leigh Tucker Die

The wonderful world of Ruby

Ruby is a programming language I know, of course topics geeks, for a few years old, but I never had dared to get serious. I had commented that they could be many things and it was pretty easy to learn, but thought it needed a more solid base and he was right. So, here I hayo with my fairly strong base and willingness to learn a language fun. For

all that I see, has many things similar to Perl, but I can say it looks even more ... "Simple? (Simpler than Perl god ...) and object-oriented compleeeetaente (obviously) my god, I'm that C user and get into these berengenales .... It has something very chuli, I did not know that gives me miedito Lisp, and is the garbage collector, you can make very complete applications with a very good memory management. I was delighted to discover all the new improvements that had implemented the IRB for Linux, (interactive ruby \u200b\u200bshell) and that not only allows you to test snippets of code to an astounding speed, but has full super properties to develop methods and classes . For now you feel like a lot to learn Ruby. No? I do.

some other things I write or make any piece of code with time. I wanted to be excited about learning something new! Navigating


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